Thermal Spray samples exhibit

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Thermal spray companies sometimes spend a lot of money as part of their flame spray marketing efforts by way of attending thermal spray conference and exhibitions. Many of them have display booths and you know these display booths come at a steep price and need to be utilized to the maximum potential to educate potential plasma spray customers about the capabilities of your thermal spray coatings facility, its engineering talent and so on, in order to get the highest value for the money spent. Many times one can observe plasma spray companies simply put up a big poster, keep a stack of brochures, have a video presentation running in the background, a couple of well dressed personnel manning the booth; all this is fine and well done. And then they have a table with thermal spray coated samples. It is this last feature that this post is all about. The thermal spray samples exhibit is one of the most critical features of your booth. While all the rest of them are simply words and pictures, it is these samples that present a proof of your shop’s real capabilities. Just as a picture is worth a thousand words, an actual sample is worth a thousand pictures. Hence, haphazardly putting together a bunch of samples will do no justice to the visitor, be it a potential customer or simply an on-looker; because sometimes the casual on-looker might turn out to become a customer after all. The determination of what samples get shown and what criteria to use in choosing samples for all practical purposes falls on the shoulders of the thermal spray coatings marketing manager. So what is the ideal method of choosing and exhibiting these samples?

Well, to start off, you need to develop a strategy of what you are planning to stress and what are all the features that you would like to present; additionally, you need to categorize the samples and have some order in what is being shown to the public. In other words, there HAS to be a method to the madness. Here are some thoughts in this regard. To show the range of sizes that you can coat in your plasma spray facility, show a couple of samples of the smallest piece coated, some medium sized pieces and the largest piece coated. And put in descriptions to the same effect besides each piece, even though it might be on a small ticket. Next ensure that you display masking skills and thermal spray tooling engineering skills by showing a couple of intricately masked and coated samples. Thermal spray deburring finesse can be exhibited by showing some nicely deburred parts with may be some holes with a no coat band around them and parts with louevres and such in their characteristics. Next, to show the various process capabilities, display one plasma sprayed sample, one hvof sample, one wire-arc sample with a note adjacent to each. Then if you also have coat and grind capabilities, show an as coated piece and a piece after coat and grind. In order to show excellence in thermal spray parameters development, you might want to show some samples with coatings on internal diameters and steep angle coated pieces. And finally, a little color added to the display table helps the visual senses and so you could put in an put aluminum oxide coated ( Metco 105 NS ) piece, a grey tungsten carbide ( Metco 73FNS ) coated piece, a black ( Metco 130 NS ) piece, a blue ( Metco 101BNS ) piece and a metallic ( Tafa bondarc ) piece and such. If you have the option, I would also include coatings with different surface roughness values as coated, regardless of the process used. An array of industries that your company serves may be of value such as automotive, aerospace, pump and valve, printing, paper and the like along with descriptions for each.

Thus, you can observe that there has to be significant effort put in to the samples area of your thermal spray exhibit. Too often, I hear the same sentences in several facilities to the effect that we are going to have a booth, get me some samples. This kind of poor attention will reflect in the visitors’ reaction who, more often than not, will “click away” from your booth confused.

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